TOEFL iBT® テストミニアドバイス


TOEFL iBT® テスト受験を考えたら、全ての受験生必読のBulletin(受験要綱)を手に入れましょう

第12回 「Bulletin(受験要綱)」


今回はTOEFL iBT® テスト受験生必読のBulletin(受験要綱)をご紹介します。

Bulletinには申込方法、各セクションの内容、時間、テスト当日の流れやスコアレポートに関することなど、TOEFL iBTテストに関する非常に重要な情報が記載されています。全ての受験生が必ず申込前に読み、内容をきちんと理解し、同意をする必要があります。Bulletinの中でも特に重要であり、受験生の方がよく質問される箇所をご紹介します。

※ETSのGo Green活動の一環として、2011年6月よりBulletinはダウンロードのみとなりました。



Acceptable Primary ID Documents
The following ID documents are acceptable for admission to a test center within your country of citizenship:

  • Passport with photograph and signature
  • Driver’s license with photograph and signature
  • State or Province ID card, including those issued by motor vehicle agencies, with photograph and signature
  • National ID with photograph and signature
  • Military ID with photograph and signature


日本国内で受験の場合、1点で有効な身分証明書はパスポートのみです(有効期限内かつMy Home Pageに登録されている氏名とパスポートに記載されている氏名が完全に一致している場合のみ)。確実に受験していただくためにも、申込前にパスポートを用意することをお勧めします。


Canceling your Scores

At the end of the testing session, you will be offered the option of canceling your scores. You cannot cancel your score for only one section of the test-if you opt to cancel, you will not receive scores for any part of the test administration.

Consider very carefully before you decide to cancel. Your scores are reported to institutions only at your request. If you cancel your scores, they will not be reported to you or any institution, and your test fee will not be refunded. Canceled scores will not be added to your permanent record. To take the test again, you will need to register again and pay another test fee.

Please note that this is your only opportunity to cancel your scores – you cannot request that your scores be canceled after your leave the test center.

Canceled scores can be reinstated if the request arrives at ETS within 10 days after your test date. Fax or mail a written request to TOEFL Services (see page-4). The score reinstatement fee is US$20. Include your:

  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • Daytime phone number
  • Registration number
  • Payment

Scores will be reinstated and reported within 3 weeks after receipt of your request and payment.



Examinee Score Record / Official Score Reports

Your TOEFL test fee payment entitles you to:

  • 1 examinee(test taker) score record
  • Your TOEFL iBT scores are posted to the website only. If you want to receive a paper copy of your scores, select that option on the “Score Reporting Preferences” screen in your online account. You can change your preference any time until 10p.m, local test center time, on the day before the test.
  • Up to 4 official score reports that ETS will send to the institutions or agencies you designate in your online account. You can add, delete or change score recipients up until 10 p.m., local test center time, on the day before the test. After 10 p.m. you will be charged a fee for each score report sent. Recipients cannot be changed or deleted after the 10p.m. deadline.

Official score reports are mailed to the recipients you designate approximately 13 days after you take the test; however, ETS has no control over mail delivery to various locations around the world. Allow 7-10days after the score posting date for mail delivery in the U.S., and 4-6 weeks for mail delivery to other locations. For information specific to your postal system, contact our post office for estimated arrival time for mail from the U.S.

Examinee Score Recordは、My Home Page上で確認できるものと同じ内容のスコアレポートで、ご自身の登録住所宛に郵便で届きます。お申込みの際に、発行するか選択ができますがこちらは公式な証明書ではありません。

Official Score Reportは、ご希望の大学・団体にETSから直接送付される公式なスコアレポートで、受験生の方が受け取る事は一切ありません。テスト日前日の22時までであれば、4校無料で送付手続きを行えます。(以降は1校につきUS$18)(2014年4月8日時点)


Ordering Additional Official Score Reports

Scores Are Valid for 2 Years

  • TOEFL scores remain valid for 2 years after the test date. Because language proficiency can change considerably in a relatively short period of time, TOEFL scores more than 2 years old cannot be reported or verified.
  • If you took the TOEFL test more than 2 years ago and you need to submit scores to an institution or agency, you will have to take the test again.

スコアの有効期限は2年間です。この2年間という理由は、一般的に英語の能力は短期間のうちに変化するものとみられているからです。よって、テスト受験日から2年経つと、スコアレポートの送付ができなくなり、My Home Page上でもスコアが見られなくなります。2年以上前のスコアを保存する必要がある場合は、Examinee Score Recordの発行を選択し、お手元に届いたら大切に保管するようにしてください。
